
Immediate risk – General evacuation orders

If time allows:

  • Wear sturdy shoes, long-sleeve shirts and pants
  • Bring car keys, credit cards, road maps, cell phone, charger and important phone numbers
  • Bring your Disaster Supplies Kit
  • If you have a pet, make sure it is wearing a collar, bring it in a pet carrier labeled with your name and the pet’s name. Bring your pet’s Disaster Supplies Kit.
  • Shut off the water and electricity
  • Leave gas on unless instructed otherwise
  • Lock your home
  • Follow evacuation instructions
  • Leave a note or tell a neighbor where you are going
  • Once you arrive at a safe location, check-in and call your out-of-area emergency contact

If you have a pet:

  • Take your pet with you
  • Make sure it is wearing a collar or other identification
  • Transport your pet in a pet carrier labeled with your name and the pet’s name
  • Bring your Pet Disaster Supplies Kit with you

Additional Evacuation information is available from the Red Cross.



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