
Fires are a natural part of the forest ecosystem in Clackamas County, Oregon. However, decades of aggressive fire suppression have caused fuel accumulation. Accumulation of fuels coupled with human activity increase wildfire hazard in Clackamas County. The exposure to wildfire hazards is also increasing, as recent population growth has spurred more residential development close to the forests in what is referred to as the wildland urban interface (WUI).

The majority of wildfires in Clackamas County are cause by humans. Debris burning is the number one cause of wildfires. Wildfires spread quickly, igniting brush, trees, and homes. Reduce your risk by preparing for wildfires now.

Because wildfires affect entire communities, Clackamas County recently completed ClackamasCommunity Wildfire Protection Plan If you are interested in bringing your neighbors together todevelop a local community wildfire protection plan, please contact your local fire district.

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