Facebook Timeline Eminent – Check Your Security Settings

On August 10, 2012, in Business Continuity, Safety, by Padraic Ansbro

I like Facebook but I recently got pushed to Facebook’s Timeline.  I personally don’t care for the interface but do like being connected to my friends and fans.  There is a “grace” period that allows you to go into your FB page to review/edit its content.  It is very important to do so and I’m […]

Water is Vital!

Portland west side recently had a notice that E-coli was possible in its water supply.  Water is vital to human survival!  If you have contaminated water you must take precautions.  High density areas such as condominiums and apartments are particularly affected by contaminated water supplies.  It is important that your building supervisor or management company […]

Keep Your Free Speech Safe! No on SOPA & PIPA!

LiveSafeUSA.com is more than just an informational site for emergency preparedness and business continuity.  It is also a site for safeguarding your civil rights.  This includes the right to free speech which is in the process of being co-opted by corporations who feel their profits are diminishing due to the internet’s digital marketplace. There are […]

Make “Preparation” a Resolution You Keep in 2012!

By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail. – Ben Franklin As we ring in the New Year, I want you to remember the warmth of the family and friends you had around you over the holidays.  These are the people you want to care for.  You can do that by simply making the […]

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