Getting Prepared

On August 15, 2011, in Uncategorized, by Padraic Ansbro

OK, so you’re here for a reason.  Maybe you just had a moment of clarity.  Why not, it’s easy enough to see that the world is going through some tough times.  If you’re smart you’re paying attention and saying “there but for the grace of God go I”, sending prayers and money to those who’ve not been so lucky as to avoid the disaster of the day.  Our goal at is to help hone that moment of clarity to a sustained laser focus.  So that you can be in the best possible position to weather whatever crisis may come your way.

In the days before we became domesticated, we just considered this part of our life.  Now we only get reminded of our slender thread of humanity through the news media and possible close calls.  Yeah, that’ll wake you up…maybe.  Ben Franklin said “If you fail to prepare you prepare to fail”…smart guy!

In the navy we called it: “The 5 P’s”; Prior, Planning, Prevents, Poor, Performance.  Nothing scary about it, you just prepared for a variety of contingencies.  You had a plan.  Every now and then you’d dust it off to see if it was still workable.  Then you could sleep easy knowing you knew what to do when things hit the proverbial fan.

It’s time to make a plan!  For yourself, for your loved ones and for your business. can help!