We love our pets so as a responsible owner it is important that we do our best to keep them safe! Below are a few links that you will find useful. Courtesy of EducatorLabs.org. ~ Live Safe USA Pets: Pet Responsibilities http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/family/pets/article3.html Pets and Children http://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Families_and_Youth/Facts_for_Families/Facts_for_Families_Pages/Pets_And_Children_75.aspx General Safety Rules for Pets http://www.americanhumane.org/animals/adoption-pet-care/safety/general-safety-rules.html Guide to […]
Our country’s inception is represented by our Declaration of Independence. This amazing document encapsulates our nation’s call for freedom and our spirit of independence! Take pride in the celebration of this holiday and please be responsible in that celebration. Here are some safety tips ensure your holiday celebration is safe and fun! BBQ tips: If you’re […]
How, where to cool animals down when temps soar courtesy of The Humane Society Summer can be an uncomfortable—even dangerous—time for pets and people. It’s difficult enough simply to cope with rising temperatures, but things really get tough in areas that are hit with the double blow of intense heat and storm-caused power outages, sometimes with […]
Water is life! You can go 3 days without water before you feel serious and deadly physical consequences. OK, I know some of you will say you can go a week without drinking straight water. Well that may be true, you can drink a variety of fluids (and I feel sorry for your liver and […]
Portland west side recently had a notice that E-coli was possible in its water supply. Water is vital to human survival! If you have contaminated water you must take precautions. High density areas such as condominiums and apartments are particularly affected by contaminated water supplies. It is important that your building supervisor or management company […]