Let’s keep Halloween fun and safe for you and your family!  Here are a few tips to keep the little (and big) gremlins, super heroes and ballerinas smiling.

Kids: Here are tips for kids

  • Carry a flashlight and keep it on while trick or treating.
  • Make sure your home phone number and address are with you and accessible for emergencies.
  • Never go up to or into a stranger’s house unless your parents are with you and say that it’s OK.
  • Crossing streets make sure you look both ways and cross only at corners, crosswalks and when the cross walk light shows “walk”. If you are a big brother or sister make sure you are holding the little one’s hand crossing the street.

OLDER KIDS: The info above still applies with these additions.

  • Be sure to let your parents know where you are going and who you are going out with.
  • Vandalism is an epic fail and always wrong!  Besides being wrong there are strict penalties for vandalism. The police are on high alert.
  • Hurting animals is never acceptable behavior!
  • If driving, make sure you have plenty of gas, your phone is charged, your parents know where you are  and you obey your curfew.

ADULTS: Below are tips that can help adults and kids stay safe.

  • Check the internet and local state website for sex offenders to see if there are any in your area. Mark those houses OFF LIMITS.
  • Make sure that an adult is present when your kids are out trick or treating.
  • If your kids are big enough to go out on their own, know their route. Have them check in hourly by phone or coming back to the house.
  • When picking out a costume make sure it is fireproof or treated with fire retardant. If they are wearing a mask make sure that they have good peripheral vision.
  • Implement a curfew for your child to be home by.  They need to connect with you if there will be a delay.
  • This is a great teaching opportunity for your kids about crossing the street safely and “stranger danger”.
  • If you are attending or hosting a party with alcohol beverages make sure there are designated drivers for your guests and food provided.
  • Driving on Halloween.  Take it slow and cautious.  You are experienced, kids are not!

Here is a fun Zombie Preparedness site by the CDC:


Have fun on Halloween but keep it safe!

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