Keep Your Free Speech Safe! No on SOPA & PIPA! is more than just an informational site for emergency preparedness and business continuity.  It is also a site for safeguarding your civil rights.  This includes the right to free speech which is in the process of being co-opted by corporations who feel their profits are diminishing due to the internet’s digital marketplace. There are […]

Make “Preparation” a Resolution You Keep in 2012!

By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail. – Ben Franklin As we ring in the New Year, I want you to remember the warmth of the family and friends you had around you over the holidays.  These are the people you want to care for.  You can do that by simply making the […]

New Year’s Eve Safety!

On December 31, 2011, in Personal Preparedness, Uncategorized, by Padraic Ansbro

If you read my blog and followed my suggestions for the holidays, you most likely have a good start for your New Year’s Eve. Ring in the New Year keeping safety in mind when participating in the festivities. No matter if you are staying at home celebrating with family and friends, or headed out on […]

Holiday Safety Tips! Santa wears a fireproof suit!

On December 21, 2011, in Personal Preparedness, by Padraic Ansbro

The holidays are a fun time of year.  Sharing time with loved ones, eating way too much and gift giving!  Safety is probably not the first thing you think about during the holidays.  Here are just a few tips to help you enjoy the holidays without trips to the hospital or calls to the fire […]

Zombie Preparedness! Halloween Safety Tips!

On October 31, 2011, in Personal Preparedness, Uncategorized, by Padraic Ansbro

Let’s keep Halloween fun and safe for you and your family!  Here are a few tips to keep the little (and big) gremlins, super heroes and ballerinas smiling. Kids: Here are tips for kids Carry a flashlight and keep it on while trick or treating. Make sure your home phone number and address are with you and […]

Data Backup is Crucial @ Work & @ Home

On October 22, 2011, in Business Continuity, Personal Preparedness, by Padraic Ansbro

Remember the day you heard a clicking sound coming from your computer and all your information turned to random 1’s and 0’s.  Those cherished photographs of family members, those important tax and sales records, all your favorite links to blogs like this one… lost…all lost! Back up your hard drive! Yes, i’m sure you’ve heard it before […]

NASA Knows! Listen to Administrator, Charles F. Bolden, Jr. (Video)

On September 29, 2011, in Business Continuity, Emergency Supplies, Personal Preparedness, by Padraic Ansbro

NASA knows how important it is to be prepared.  Administrator Charles Bolden Jr. speaks to a variety of important safety concerns.  As one of the largest governmental organizations in the U.S. he brings the importance of emergency preparedness home for you, your family and your pets.  As a member of this organization he also epitomizes […]

Be Cool…ICE Your Phone

On September 24, 2011, in Business Continuity, Personal Preparedness, by Padraic Ansbro

ICE stands for “In Case of Emergency”.  The idea is to make an entry into your cell phone contacts list or phonebook called ICE. Follow that acronym with the name and phone numbers of the person who should be called if something has happened to the owner of the phone. This makes it easier for […]

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